By: William Vicente Borges
Life begins in the womb
when the cell divides,
the soul then settles
and anyone who doubts it.
The woman has her rights,
To dispose of her body are
but the body of the fetus and
has no right not?
The "mother" then makes his choice
it can be cut or sucked.
No compassion, no morals,
after all, is unwanted.
Some argue this spawning
is more practical to rationalize.
As a necessary intervention.
Make me sick thinking about it!
And the innocent murdered
silent can not complain,
And society is relieved
For women's right to respect.
Thankfully, the good God of heaven
gets into your bosom all spawned,
On the Day of Judgment, he will present the
To these who have had their rights respected.
By: William Vicente Borges
Life begins in the womb
when the cell divides,
the soul then settles
and anyone who doubts it.
The woman has her rights,
To dispose of her body are
but the body of the fetus and
has no right not?
The "mother" then makes his choice
it can be cut or sucked.
No compassion, no morals,
after all, is unwanted.
Some argue this spawning
is more practical to rationalize.
As a necessary intervention.
Make me sick thinking about it!
And the innocent murdered
silent can not complain,
And society is relieved
For women's right to respect.
Thankfully, the good God of heaven
gets into your bosom all spawned,
On the Day of Judgment, he will present the
To these who have had their rights respected.
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