quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013


By: William Vicente Borges

Of all that is most valuable , My past , my present , my future
The whole time of a lifetime. All my victories , all my dreams
Everything you can join in castles , in vaults in banks in dreams
All knowledge , ideas , ideologies , everything! Everything ! Everything !

You love me as I am, how I present myself , there's no mask .
What I give to the Lord for all he has done to me ?
I will take the cup of salvation , announce in front of everyone
Your wonderful works .

Not to treasure , otherwise I would give both my voice praising ,
Want my broken soul before thy altar.
You are wonderful, counselor , mighty God , The everlasting Father .
My soul I give you without reserve , is no longer mine .

I see my sins and I contemplate my littleness
About my eyes is his cross erected
His bloodied body through my heart
I know who is my savior , I know by whom sacrificed .

I am a soul that needs saving Ti
I am the bird that fell out of the nest
I am blind to the roadside
I am the paralytic who is lowered through the roof .

I am a grateful soul to Thee Lord
For every drop of blood spilled
Nobody saw that drop fell on me
I can see how much you love me .

 Of all that is most valuable , My past , my present , my future
The whole time of a lifetime. All my victories , all my dreams
Everything belongs to you . I will take nothing , You are my great good
there is nothing that can be more important than pleasing you !

For all that I have done
And so will I
For me in. You will put in thy bedchamber:
And allowed me to touch your face .

I love you my Lord !

Fall 2009

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