segunda-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2013


A FEELING CALLED SAUDADEFrom: William Vicente Borges
Whenever I write about a feeling called nostalgia , my heart starts to hurt . I heard the other day that people come and go in our lives . This may be true , but there are people who expect too much for them can come, and we do not want to ever go away. Not that some people never want to depart , get away from me , forget me and I have only a hazy recollection .I 'm longing for you , because you are more than anyone who crossed my life and would not want to leave . You , my dear, is much more , is the person you never want to be away , one of which my heart says all the time : __ I want you near me. But now that you're far and I inadvertently prevented from being strictly at your side nostalgia is so that you can not contain as much cluttered and not resigned emotion. Not just want to be so far away from you .Whenever I write about a feeling called nostalgia , my heart starts to hurt , and it hurts . And this pained pain, suffering , weakened , distracted and why not say cruel only wants one thing , I leave it all behind and run just to meet you , since your presence , your beauty is analgesic for this pain as sore. For when I'm by your side life is more colorful and the problems seem to disappear as if by magic , that why when I'm by your side you will protect me , supports me , cares for me as no one ever cared for in life.Whenever I write about a feeling called nostalgia , my heart starts to hurt . And then I have to report the memories of our moments hidden somewhere in the not too distant past and that's is undoubtedly the most delicious moments passed between the walls of a place that does not even beautiful , looked like the garden of Eden of our dreams they were there after you and I living the purity of first love rescued by passionate and playful and happy and winning hearts . And even though these memories such increase this longing, it is preferable to have them than to have nothing . I love you and and who knows more and recited poetry written in the leaves of the joy of loving intensely and without fear, finally to be happy forever .Whenever I write about a feeling called nostalgia , my heart starts to hurt . Why this is my longing , accompanies me while you're away , and so will be with you grows every day crushing my soul , and making my heart saddened because it can not now run to her and hug you , and kiss you and you want to feel like this all the time when my love with you . I'm here now so far, but I can not stop looking at your eyes to look at me , do not stop to feel your hand stroking me, do not stop to smell the sweet of your lips kissing me , that because of the nostalgia that does not tire me ravished me, but what can I say except : __ back to me ! Yes running back to me before I die of longing , of love , of passion , before I drown in my own tears , tears of this such longing.Whenever I write about a feeling called nostalgia , my heart starts to hurt . But I'm here forever, even longing and suffering desperately hoping a wonderful miracle happens and I can once again be near you . And this day will tell longing. I do not feel pain, because now I have my beloved forever , and this being called heart, longing, room no longer a place for you .

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