sexta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2013


 By: William Vicente Borges

 In Mage, in Rio de Janeiro ,I attended elementary school ,and also did Thursday to junior series.And I happened to fall in a roomvery special .The room was " 503 " , I will never forgetthe day I entered that classroom .They said it would only study " bam , bam , bam . "The best of fourth grade schoolwere all gathered there .But I and at least two more , that reminds me ,were not part of the " bam , bam , bam . "I always love , and the other two , impish .But the interesting thing that I was always supporting ,unintentionally , the antics of these two .One day the supervisor called me , you see,to tell me that if I kept rowdy ,would put me in the " room of exceptional ,"was what they called theof disabled persons of the time room.And I fool around , 
I thought there was a roomPeople go there for special . Silly me!Once I understood what she meant.This supervisory poor at the time mademany errors once to say this , thatactually hurts . First offended boysthat room , as more pure and had no special ,offended me because I wanted to depreciate , finallywere so many mistakes that I do not know .But the room 503 had to take me to the end of the year .I love , by the daughter of Claudia lawyerby Aunt Odiléia Professor of Portuguese and theAnete aunt , who was my teacher in first yearprimary, it had been the first love of my life ,the rediscovered in room 503 , and as my first outgreat passion at seven years of age, evenin love with two others, just by not saying anythingshe loves the other room 503 , after hurting her for what?It was funny . Then have a couple of months of lessons ,we would have the first class of " Arts Education "and suddenly , anyone who enters the room to teach ?Aunt Anete almost fell backwards , my great lovehad returned to me .  
she hiteyes on my little person , and was soonspeaking
 : ___ Guys I 'm Anete , theirProfessor of matter , and I am very harsh ,ask the William and he will say it has been my student .Look when she said my name, my heart raced .SHE REMINDS ME . STILL LOVES ME TOO ! 
I was so intrigued by what she said ? Harsh ?Wow, for me never had a sweeter teacher .In the first series in 1974 was the time of the World Cup , and sheled , as some teachers , for the television room,and she picked me up , I watched the games from Brazil in her colinho .Remembering that I'm small now , imagine theseven years of age. But I loved her colinho . shemade me so spoiled I like colinho today.Good , but Aunt Anete in room 503 . She was still sweetme as in the days of 1974. I could notbe a happier boy . Anete aunt , Claudia ,the daughter of a lawyer , she talked about it all the time ,and Aunt Odiléia . That to me was rather forgetthat only the two demonic metiam into trouble .

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