quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014

When she dreams

When she dreams
From: William Vicente Borges

When she dreams , she hears smiling blue birds , birds kissing the flowers , and flowers that are not met , are flowers that are born only in the garden she has within the soul .
Good to watch the swans in the blue pond, and children playing in a beautiful left Lake Park , and all those fruit trees are apples , oranges , mangoes , how many mangoes . There is laughter in his dream , because there is joy that pulses actually joy is the name of the perfume in the air . No worries , no pain , neither present nor past, nor future , the time of the dream , it's just time to be happy there alone.
When she dreams , the sky is bluer and the clouds make drawings of hearts , and form beautiful sayings , love poems , sweet words that are born every second , brought by a gentle breeze hitting the face and leaves the room in a climate of constant freshness , no night , no, but incredibly there are the stars , and the moon also , they can be seen the light of day , and all do not care about anything but laugh at , the houses have no roof, it does not no rain , no need for dreams, there is so little , the mailbox , because no one will therefore longing there . All are together and love each other dearly .

When she dreams , she shows her smile and he is white as snow from the mountains , is the color of the dress you wear , just like your skin so white , so beautiful , showing all the purity that is the envy clouds passing . In his face the face of the princesses , fine princesses of fairy tales that always show all the peace of a happy soul. She walks and not get tired , there no fatigue, no death, no injustice , just peace , the disease never appears . There is no hunger nor pain .
When she dreams , she watches corals angels cantarolarem the most beautiful love songs and there are those who do not stop dancing to the sound of angelic voices that leave the environment to make sure that everything will not end . Everything comes and goes in your realm of dreams . The sun shines upon all , but without the harshness of the heat , so no sweat, just wet the bodies of teenagers leaping at the lake having fun with the dolphins that live there too .
When she dreams , she sees beautiful infant in lap satisfied their mothers and fathers in their tidy trages beautiful ride , and all without exception in their looks bring respect and serenity of happy life . Happy life she always wanted and sought . And how do I know all this she sees in her dreams ? Very simple, is that when she dreams , I 'm walking beside her holding hands and always took a boat to go to the middle of the lake where I affectionately kiss right after I told him: I Love You !

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